
Dear community,

it is with a heavy heart that we announce that due to the developing virus situation we had to make the decision to cancel all festival activities. We are working on the follow-up with all affected artists, workshop participants and audience and will reach out to you asap via email.

Thank you for your understanding,
the festival team

Power. Dispute. Love. Money. Conflict. Death. Influence. Jealousy. Greed. Desire. Possession. Decay. Friendship. Hostility. Revenge. Happiness. This is what the Berlin impro festival IMPRO will be about when the festival ensemble develops and then presents the artistic highlight of our festival at the English Theatre: the new THRONE format. William Shakespeare as well as the legendary series of Game Of Thrones will have been the inspiration.
And another thing: IMPRO is coming of age. The Gorillas have been presenting the by now largest European festival for improvised theatre for 18 years now, and the international impro scene is livelier than ever. 20 artists from 11 countries plus 9 Gorillas will present themselves in 14 shows at the English Theatre Berlin, the Mehringhoftheater and the Ratibor to the Berlin audiences.

We look forward to welcoming a whole bunch of great players for the very first time: artists like Charlotte Gittins (GB), Kayla Lorette (Canada), Sara Šoukal (Slovenia), Ashawnti Ford and John Gebretatose (both USA), Keng-Sam Chane Chick Té (La Reunion) as well as Felix Forsbach (Bamberg/Bavaria) – they as well as other well-known artists will be celebrating not just THRONE but also some popular and some lesser-known impro formats full of festival energy in varying formations.

We can also look forward to the special show „Every Brilliant Thing“ of solo artist Martinas Nedzinskas from Lithuania, as well as the BIF week and the BIF days, again offering a broad spectrum of workshops for players of a large variety of levels.

Amazing to have the Berlin impro festival. And amazing if you’re all coming too.
Yours, The Gorillas