general terms & conditions

Die Gorillas Show GbR
Schudomastraße 42-44
12055 Berlin

The general terms and conditions are based on the law regulating general terms and conditions (AGB law of December 9, 1976 /BGBI. 1.S.3317 in the last amended version of 22.12.1989).The terms and conditions regulate the legal relationship between theater visitors and Die Gorillas Show GbR They are an integral part of the contract that comes into being through the purchase of tickets. These terms and conditions also apply to visitor organizations and advance booking offices, unless otherwise agreed.

box office opening hours

The box office, which sells tickets exclusively for the performance of the evening in question, generally opens no later than 45 minutes before the performance begins. On non-performance days, the box office remains closed.

ticket sales - general rules

Patrons are not permitted to offer tickets for sale on the premises of the Theatre. The public and commercial sale of tickets is prohibited. This does not apply to purchasers whose business operations or bylaws also provide for the resale or brokerage of tickets to members and other groups of persons and who have been approved for this purpose by Die Gorillas Show GbR. In the case of the purchase of tickets, complaints cannot be accepted after the purchase transaction has been concluded; in particular, any contestation of errors is then excluded. Sold tickets will be taken back by Die Gorillas Show GbR. only in the context of credible problems. In case of loss of a ticket, a replacement ticket can be issued to the visitor if he/she proves or credibly shows which ticket was purchased. A refund of the ticket price paid is not possible. Severely disabled persons with official identification will be given priority. Seats for wheelchair users may be provided to a limited extent, depending on the staging. Accompanying persons recognized as necessary for the severely disabled (sign "B" in the official disabled person's ID) are admitted free of charge.

telephone ticket orders

Telephone ticket orders are accepted from the beginning of the advance sale and are considered as provisional reservations. They become binding only upon payment. When confirming the provisional reservation, Die Gorillas Show GbR will notify a deadline for the fulfillment of the payment claim. If this deadline is not met, Die Gorillas Show GbR reserves the right to dispose of the tickets elsewhere.

written ticket orders

A written ticket order (by letter, fax, e-mail, Internet) is considered a reservation request. Every written order will be answered. Confirmation of fulfilling ticket requests is considered a binding commitment to provide the corresponding tickets. With the confirmation, a binding deadline for the fulfillment of the payment claim of Die Gorillas Show GbR is communicated. If this deadline is not met, Die Gorillas Show GbR reserves the right to dispose of the tickets elsewhere. Tickets that have already been paid for can be sent to the customer upon request. Costs of shipment and risk of shipment are borne by the purchaser. For group orders (10 tickets or more), additional special conditions apply: the orderer receives these with the binding commitment to provide the tickets.

The return of tickets that were not purchased at the box office of Die Gorillas Show GbR are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective box office or visitor organization. Further claims are excluded.

ticket return

The return of tickets for a refund of the purchase price is generally not possible. No replacement will be provided for expired tickets. If a performance is cancelled or must be abandoned within the first two-thirds of its start, a replacement performance may be offered or the ticket price refunded. Travel expenses and/or parking fees incurred will not be reimbursed. The same applies if a performance has to be changed at short notice (i.e. on the day of the performance) contrary to the established schedule. If a performance is cancelled within the last third or the show is changed, there is no entitlement to a replacement performance or refund of the ticket price. If a performance is rescheduled or cancelled, the theater patron has the option of exchanging into an offered replacement performance up to a maximum of five days after the event cancellation or requesting a refund. Processing fees will not be refunded. The Gorillas or the promoter reserves the right to make changes to the program and cast without this resulting in a right of return for tickets already purchased. There is also no right to a refund of the ticket price in case of changed starting times.


As a rule, admission to performances is granted to visitors with valid tickets 45 minutes before the start of the performance. After the beginning of a performance, visitors may be admitted only during an intermission suitable for the production, in consideration of the participating artists and other visitors, as well as due to the risk of accidents. Latecomers have no right to the seat they have purchased. The instructions of the evening staff must be followed.

checkroom and valuables

  • Checkroom articles may only be taken into the auditorium if they do not disturb other visitors. It is strictly forbidden to bring disturbing objects into the auditorium. The instructions of the evening staff are to be followed.

  • Wardrobe may be left free of charge in the checkroom for safekeeping during the performance and is insured there in accordance with the posted insurance terms and conditions. 

  • Mixed-up, damaged and lost checkroom items are to be reported immediately to the evening staf

  • Found items of all kinds are to be turned in to the evening staff. The handling of lost property is governed by the provisions of §§ 978 ff BGB (German Civil Code). The loss of objects must also be reported to the evening staff.

domiciliary rights, image and sound recordings

  • The evening director exercises domiciliary rights in the performance buildings. The evening staff, the box office staff and other authorized persons are also entitled to exercise this right.  The evening staff may refuse entry to visitors.

  • Visitors may be refused entry if there is justified reason to believe that they will significantly disrupt the performance or cause a nuisance to other visitors, and if they have significantly or repeatedly violated these General Terms and Conditions of Business. 

  • Persons who obstruct orderly ticket sales or harass visitors may be ejected from the premises. Visitors may be ejected from the performance in progress if they disrupt it, harass other persons or violate these General Terms and Conditions.

  • Gorillas Show GbR can charge the difference from visitors who have unauthorizedly taken a seat for which they cannot show a valid ticket. Visitors who, upon request, neither take the seat corresponding to their ticket nor pay the difference in payment for the seat actually used by them, may be expelled from the performance. The instructions of the staff of Die Gorillas Show GbR must be followed.

  • Smoking is not permitted in the entire theater building. 

  • Objects that are likely to disturb the performance (e.g. cell phones, electronic watches) are to be turned off. 

  • Photographing and making visual and/or audio recordings of any kind is strictly prohibited for visitors. Violations may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution. 

  • In the event that visual and/or sound recordings, such as radio or television recordings, are made during a public theater performance by persons authorized to do so, theater patrons agree by purchasing their admission ticket that they may be recorded in picture and/or word and that the recordings may be broadcast or published without claim to compensation.

effective date

These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force with effect from 07.09.2018.