our workshops

Three workshops over four days.

JugendKulturZentrum PUMPE
In German
BIF-Days: Shakespeare, improvisiert…
Bei Lorenz Kabas

Do, 9.3. bis So, 12.3.23
269 €
Ort: Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe, Lützowstraße 42, 10785 Berlin

Kaum ein*e andere*r Theaterautor*in eignet sich für die Impro-Bühne so sehr wie Shakespeare - nicht nur als Genre-Vorlage, sondern auch auf Grund seiner speziellen Dramaturgie: Im Zentrum stehen die Spieler*innen, es gibt praktisch kein Bühnenbild, und Requisiten sind auf ein Minimum reduziert. Im Workshop werden wir diesen Kosmos exemplarisch beforschen, den Aufbau seiner Stücke und seine Sprache untersuchen, das Erspielen verschiedenster Schauplätze. Ein zentrales Moment wird die Zeichnung seiner Figuren bilden, ihre Gedankenwelt und ihr radikales Eintreten zur Durchsetzung ihrer Interessen von Macht, Liebe, Rache usw. Zur Vorbereitung empfiehlt Lorenz die Lektüre oder den Theaterbesuch wenigstens 1 Stückes zeitnah zum Workshop. Bringt gern auch Stücktexte mit.

Lorenz Kabas ist seit 1989 Ensemblemitglied des Theaters in Bahnhof, Österreichs größtem, freien Theaterensemble, das neben der Improvisation jährlich auch mehrere Stücke zur Aufführung bringt, die als Projekte erarbeitet werden und sich mit den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen unserer Gegenwart befassen - ein zeitgenössisches Volkstheater. Er unterrichtet seit 2005 auch an der Kunstuniversität Graz Improvisation, Schauspiel und performative Theaterformen und gibt Workshops im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie international.

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch

Der Preis beinhaltet neben 11 Stunden Workshop den Besuch von drei Vorstellungen der IMPRO 2023 sowie zwei Jam-Sessions.

THURSDAY March 9th
18:00 Welcome meeting
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023

FRIDAY March 10th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
17:00 IMPRO 2023: Solo show: Gerlando Alfeo (Cologne, Germany)
20:30 Jam with the participants of IMPRO 2023

SATURDAY March 11th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023
23:00 Closing party of IMPRO 2023

SUNDAY March 12th
12:00 to 15:00 Workshop
18:00 Open stage
JugendKulturZentrum PUMPE
In English
BIF-Days: Hard Topics
With Ashawnti Ford and John Gebratatose

Do March 9th - Sunday March 12th, 2023
Location: Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe, Lützowstraße 42, 10785 Berlin

Registration fee: 269 €

This workshop will highlight what happens to us as performers when a scene becomes scary, offensive, or insensitive, and we freeze or lose ourselves. We explore some approaches to get the agency back when we find ourselves somewhere uncomfortable, tools for improvising mindfully and finding a proactive voice for you and your show. We will learn the swag-hat format. A living room-style discussion, and then we perform scenes inspired by the conversation.

John has traveled the world performing and directing impro along with teaching workshops and producing shows, all the while making impro inclusive and welcoming to all people, especially the underrepresented folks. He is a founding member of one of the hottest new impro groups, Blackout. He is the co-creator of the Black and Funny Improv Festival which started in Minneapolis and now has chapters all over the US and Canada. Ashawnti has creative roots in the Twin Cities as the daughter of two Twin Cities artists, her father a rapper and mother a spoken word poet. Raised with the richness of Black artistic expression and creativity, it was a natural path for her to become an actress, improviser, director, playwright, arts educator, cultural producer. Her work has always centered around social justice, youth empowerment and arts accessibility. She is the co-founder of the Black Ensemble Players.

Trigger and content warning: this is a class on scenes when you find yourself dealing with topics of race or socially and politically charged situations - which means it will include discussions and scenes dealing with race, gender* and other very personally sensitive areas and how to move forward thoughtfully, respectfully and meaningfully when you find yourself there.

One of the main missions of The International Festival for Improvisational Theatre Berlin, IMPRO, has always been to be an artistic torchbearer in the world of improvisational theatre. It would not only bring the best that the impro world could offer at that moment to Berlin, but also challenge the artists to find new ideas, formats and expressions, so that the collective impro brain trust of this globe can keep growing. A great way to do that is to disperse knowledge - so to not only have artists perform and be great at their craft for the audience, but also learn from their peers and teach others. We wish to go beyond just the practice of improvisation and also create space for thinking and discussing impro. That’s why some time ago we created the BIF (Berlin Improfestival Program) program - a unique plan for improvisers of different experience levels, where you not only learn from the masters through a workshop system, but also get to see the inner workings of how to do great impro facilitated through presentations, discussions and shows of the festival – included in the price of the program!

The programs involve 11 hours of workshops, tickets to 3 shows of IMPRO 2023 and 2 impro jams.

THURSDAY March 9th
18:00 Welcome meeting
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023

FRIDAY March 10th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
17:00 IMPRO 2023: Solo show: Gerlando Alfeo (Cologne, Germany)
20:30 Jam with the participants of IMPRO 2023

SATURDAY March 11th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023
23:00 Closing party of IMPRO 2023

SUNDAY March 12th
12:00 to 15:00 Workshop
18:00 Open stage
JugendKulturZentrum PUMPE
In English
BIF-Days: Play Time!
With Sara Šoukal

Do, March 9th - Sunday, March 12th, 2023
Location: Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe, Lützowstraße 42, 10785 Berlin
Registration fee: 269 €

Whether you are experienced or a beginner, the search for the right amount of playfulness is always present on stage. How to be playful and not get lost while improvising a scene? How to stay on track like a train and still be light as a feather? In this workshop we will research our own playfulness and how we can share it with the group on stage. We will strive to find group play instead of inventing it and we will first and foremost PLAY!
Sara is a well-seasoned actress and theatrical pedagogue, who is the most active in the field of theatrical improvisation. Her impro aesthetic is poetic, dream-like and full of details. Lately, she has been setting her foot in other performative fields with great joy and interest. She has been flirting with devised theater, contemporary dance and object theater. She is one of the most active and prominent improvisers in Slovenia, working also abroad, in many impro collectives, theatres and associations. Sara also taught and/or performed in: Seattle, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Dublin, Budapest, Leuven,Paris, Strasbourg, Graz, Bydgoszcz and Würzburg.

One of the main missions of The International Festival for Improvisational Theatre Berlin, IMPRO, has always been to be an artistic torchbearer in the world of improvisational theatre. It would not only bring the best that the impro world could offer at that moment to Berlin, but also challenge the artists to find new ideas, formats and expressions, so that the collective impro brain trust of this globe can keep growing. A great way to do that is to disperse knowledge - so to not only have artists perform and be great at their craft for the audience, but also learn from their peers and teach others. We wish to go beyond just the practice of improvisation and also create space for thinking and discussing impro. That’s why some time ago we created the BIF (Berlin Improfestival Program) program - a unique plan for improvisers of different experience levels, where you not only learn from the masters through a workshop system, but also get to see the inner workings of how to do great impro facilitated through presentations, discussions and shows of the festival – included in the price of the program!

The programs involve 11 hours of workshops, tickets to 3 shows of IMPRO 2023 and 2 impro jams.

THURSDAY March 9th
18:00 Welcome meeting
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023

FRIDAY March 10th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
17:00 IMPRO 2023: Solo show: Gerlando Alfeo (Cologne, Germany)
20:30 Jam with the participants of IMPRO 2023

SATURDAY March 11th
11:00 to 15:00 Workshop
20:00 Show of IMPRO 2023
23:00 Closing party of IMPRO 2023

SUNDAY March 12th
12:00 to 15:00 Workshop
18:00 Open stage