BIF days 2019

At BIF days (21st to 24th of March) you can choose one of the two offered workshops, see all the shows of IMPRO 2019 during these 4 days and participate in a panel discussion about improv and political correctness and a special presentation of the Our Lives project documentary directed by Lee White.

BIF days Workshops

Both BIF days workshops are held in English, with a maximum of 12 participants each. The Creating Space Through Playing workshop will have a German translator present at the classes. 


Creating Space Through Playing level: female-identifying improvisers with at least three years of improv experience who rehearse and/or take workshops on a regular basis.


Improvised clowning level: participants with at least one year of stage experience (also non-improv performers) who rehearse and/or take workshops on a regular basis.


All workshops will take place at JugendKulturZentrum PUMPE, Lützowstr. 42, 10785 Berlin-Mitte.



March 2019



Welcome meeting and briefing

at English Theatre Berlin



Show of IMPRO 2019



March 2019


11:00 - 15:00


at Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe



Panel discussion: Hey, big gender!

A panel about gender equality and equity in improvisational theatre

Panelists: Maja Dekleva Lapajne (SLO), Mia Møller (DEN), Felipe Ortiz (COL) and Ladislav Karda (CZ)
MC: Marie Wellmann (GER)

at Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe



Show of IMPRO 2019



March 2019


11:00 - 15:00


at Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe


16:30 - 18:00

Presentation of the first cut of the Our Lives project documentary

Directed and presented by: Lee White (CAN)

at Ratibor Theater



Show of IMPRO 2019


IMPRO 2019 closing party

at Nachbarschaftszentrum, Cuvrystrasse 13



March 2019


12:00 - 15:00


at Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe



Jam Session

at Ratibor Theater



Open Stage

at Ratibor Theater

Creating Space Through Playing

Maja Dekleva Lapajne and Norbert Sven Fö
Maja Dekleva Lapajne and Norbert Sven Fö, Ljubljana, Slovenia

A workshop devoted to female-identifying improvisers

The workshop dives into the topic of gender, social relations and its manifestation in artistic improvisation. It is created for female-identifying improvisers only in order to create a safe and supportive environment for playing, exploring and creating. In the past years the topic of »women in improv« has become very strong within offstage discussions, production questions and artistic commentaries on stage with many interesting questions arising: What do we gain and what do we lose by understanding ourselves as minority? Is there something that we can call the female approach to improvisation? Does it help to look into the dynamics between initiative action and following? How do we deal with stereotypes and reproducing mainstream relations?

By using methods, exercises and scores from different fields of performing arts - theatre improvisation, contemporary dance, physical theatre and clowning - we will dig into those questions and hopefully form some new ones. Through playing with topics, identities, social relations and most of all - with ourselves and each other - we are creating spaces for new worlds.

Maja Dekleva Lapajne is a director and a performer from Ljubljana, a member of the internationally acclaimed Kolektiv Narobov and the artistic director of the Naked Stage Festival and the Our Lives project. She has worked in various different projects and mediums, from clown theatre and contemporary dance to radio, television and film – but her main focus and passion has always been improvisation.

Norbert Sven Fö researches playfulness and kinesthetic-physical intelligence as a dancer, performer, choreographer, clown, teacher, writer, producer in formats like performance, installation, happenings, clown acts, publication, workshop, lecture. He speaks seven languages and enjoys eating, while being based somewhere between Zagreb and Ljubljana.

Improvised Clowning

Alexander Mitrev
Alexander Mitrev, Sofia, Bulgaria

An introduction to clowning with the Bulgarian master of physical comedy

While communicating in our everyday life, as well while performing on stage in a scripted play or improv show, we often feel stuck. We need a new idea, new direction, something good to continue with. And while we’re thinking about what it could be, the moment is long gone. Through a combination of exercises and clowning games the aim of this workshop is to find the state of being comfortable with having »nothing«. Nothing, but our body - breath, blood and bones and our unique imagination and creativity. So we never miss a moment.

Alexander Mitrev is a freelance actor who graduated in 2000 at the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts in Bulgaria. He has numerous experiences in various theatre productions - from physical theatre through classic drama and musical theatre, to experimental forms of performances. One of his theatre obsessions is also improvisational theatre, where he performs as a regular member of the HaHaHa Impro Theatre in his hometown of Sofia.


Registration: 235 €

The price includes workshops, other scheduled activities and a festival pass for all the shows of IMPRO 2019.

There is the possibility to have lunch at the workshop location on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the additional cost of 20 € - choose the option in the registration form.


Die Gorillas/Culturalis

Juš Milčinski
Telephone and Viber: +386 31 427 846

Conditions for participation in the BIF program

Reservation of workshop in order of registration plus receipt of payment. Transfer the workshop fee until February 15th of 2019.

Participation in the workshops on your own risk, there is no insurance protection by Die Gorillas.

More than 6 weeks before workshops: full refund.
More than 4 weeks before workshops: 75% refund.
4-3 weeks before workshops: 50% refund.
3-2 weeks before workshops: 30% refund.
2-1 week(s) before workshops: 10% refund.
Less than 7 days before workshop: no refund.

IMPRO – International Festival for Improvisational Theatre Berlin Code of Conduct

Our festival has always been a place designated for the meeting, exchange and interaction of people from all over the world, enjoying improvised theatre together. We wish to continue making it a space, where everyone feels safe and has the opportunity to freely experience our art form.

We hope people of all genders, abilities, ages, cultures and sexualities feel welcome here. As such, any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. This can include, but is not limited to: racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic or ableist comments, sexual harassment, bullying.

We trust that everyone participating in our festival, from staff members to performers, workshop participants, audience members to anyone else joining the festival in whatever manner, does so with respect and appreciation for their fellow human beings and surroundings..

We encourage you to communicate and respect boundaries - while being aware that they can differ from person to person - and do so with good will and understanding for one another.

If at any point you feel made uncomfortable or unsafe at our festival, please let us know. You can speak to a staff member directly or contact our festival representative trustees Marie Wellmann or Juš Milčinski. Reports will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and handled with care and confidentiality..

Contact details:
Marie Wellmann
+49-(0)177 6222596

Juš Milčinski
+386 31 427 846


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Botschaft der Republik Litauen in Berlin