
As part of the BIF program the students had the opportunity to watch and listen to Claudia Hoppe interviewing Rama Nicholas and Mia Møller from the Ensemble:

Claudia Hoppe

Claudia is an enthusiastic trainer in the areas of communication, teamwork, spontaneity, demeanor and presence. In 2009 she got infected with the virus of improvisational theater and has been improvising since then. She found her own group Improbanden in 2011. Since 2013 she also teaches improvisational theater to new and advanced learners.


Rama Nicholas

Rama is a multi-award-winning Comedian, Actor, Improviser, Writer and Director. She is known for her critically acclaimed, one woman, multi character solo shows, which are a unique blend of intricate character comedy and incredible storytelling. For 13 years she was a member of Impro Melbourne. With 14 other international improvisers she is part of the Orcas Island Project. Rama travels the world performing, directing and teaching improvisation at Improvisation festivals and with various international theater companies.

Mia Møller

Mia has been involved with improv since 2001 in Denmark and in festivals around Europe: Norway, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Spain, France, Slovenia and Montreal as both as performer, teacher and student. She develops and teaches theatrical tools for business, companies and daily life. And she is a member of the EU-funded project Our Lives, and was performing in »Community« at the English Theatre Berlin | IPAC.


Now you can listen to the whole podcast here.

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