Festival office

The festival office in the yard of the Ratibor Theater, Cuvrystraße 20a will be open 13.3.-23.3., daily from 13:00–19:00.
Ticket purchases can be made online, by phoning the respective theatres or by phoning the festival office at +49-30-6186199.


Press contact

Gorilla Theater e.V.
Barbara Wallace
Mobile: +49-177-2328577
Telephone: +49-(0)30-83037504
Only available on cell phone during the festival.



Editors: Christoph Jungmann, Marie Wellmann
Photos: Matthias Fluhrer/Flupix, as well as private/promotional (headshots).
Graphics: Carmen Klaucke

IMPRO 2019 is an event of
Gorilla Theater e.V.
Schudomastraße 42/44
12055 Berlin

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Kindly supported by:
Botschaft der Republik Litauen in Berlin